Dawn of war baneblade

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These convoys, then, were to be the Imperial Guard's weakest link and also their greatest hope. Repair parts, munitions, and operating crews were moved via a system of convoys to the centrally located Mars Pattern buildings which produced the tanks. The Dussala Precinct headquarters was thus left without a single Baneblade to its advantage.

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Unfortunately, a full regiment of Baneblade tanks, the Imperial Guard's armored super-weapon, had that very day been dispatched to various territories throughout the Kaurava system. General Stubbs was determined to triumph in the face of this and all other adversity. Since the outbreak of the Warp Storm on Kaurava IV, the Imperial Guard had known a humbling series of setbacks - losing a full three quarters of their fighting men was just a start. Any attacker wuold find themselves facing a formidable amount of firepower. Under the strong and capable leadership of their new Governor-General, Vance Stubbs, the Guardsmen were once again well supplied, armed, and organized.

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The Imperial Guard's headquarters, in the Dussala Precinct of the city-planet of Kaurava I, was also the system's primary Baneblade production facility.